Chinese Langauge
Study the Chinese Language
With China's continuing economic growth and increasing cultural presence on the world stage, learning Chinese has become increasingly attractive to secondary language learners. Students can learn more about the Chinese language through Mandarin courses at various levels and also have the opportunity to study abroad in China. Rollins offers various levels of Mandarin courses.
Chinese Courses
Rollins offers various levels of Mandarin courses. These courses can be used for fulfilling General Education Requirements as F (knowledge of foreign Language) and C (knowledge of other culture), or as electives for Asian Studies, International Business, and International Relations.
- CHN 101 - Elementary Chinese I: Introduces students to the fundamentals of the Mandarin Chinese language.
- CHN 102 - Elementary Chinese II: Develops student’s vocabulary and grammatical skills in the Mandarin Chinese language. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 151 - Elementary Chinese Conversation I: Students in the Language Living and Learning Community work with the Chinese native-speaker tutor to make level-appropriate presentations. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 152 - Elementary Chinese Conversation II: Students work with the Chinese native-speaker tutor to make level-appropriate presentations and learn more about Chinese language, culture, and every day life. Prereq(s): CHN 101. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 201 - Intermediate Chinese I: Reviews the basic structure of Mandarin Chinese grammar and the rules of pronunciation. Develops vocabulary, expression building, reading, and writing. Prereq(s): CHN 102 or equivalent. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 202 - Intermediate Chinese II: Enhances student’s skills in writing, reading, and comprehension of Mandarin Chinese. Prereq(s): CHN 201 or equivalent. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 210 - Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy: This introductory course teaches the fundamental techniques and aesthetic values of Chinese calligraphy. Prior knowledge of the language is not required. Students will learn not only the basic calligraphy skills with hands-on experience but also some basic knowledge of Chinese writing system
- CHN 251 - Chinese Conversation II: Complements the grammatical and structural content of 200 and 300-level language courses. Focuses on verbal communication skills. Prereq(s): CHN 151. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 301 - Advanced Chinese I: For students with intermediate level of Mandarin Chinese to develop their all-around skills of the language, with particular attention to speech and reading skills. Prereq(s): CHN 202 or equivalent. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 302 - Advanced Chinese II: Enables students with an intermediate level of Mandarin Chinese to further develop conversation and composition skills. Prereq(s): CHN 301 or equivalent. Course taught in Foreign Language.
- CHN 401/402 - Advanced Chinese III/IV: Further develops students language and cultural competence through selected readings of authentic materials and hybrid media content, emphasizing pragmatic Chinese, spoken and written. Prereq(s): CHN 302 for CHN 401 and CHN 401 for CHN 402 Course taught in Foreign Language.

Study Abroad
Rollins offers multiple study abroad opportunities for students to study Asian culture at the source, including semester programs at Hong Kong Baptist University and the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
Explore Study Abroad Opporuntities