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Office of Grants & Sponsored Research

Policies & Procedures

Explore resources that aid proposal development and post-award management.

Proposal Development

Grant Proposal Endorsement (GPE) Form

Rollins faculty or staff planning to submit a request for external grant funding should complete the electronic GPE form at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline. Use your standard Rollins/Outlook username and password to log in. Be sure to use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome to complete. Forms will be routed for additional administrative and financial approvals prior to submission of the proposal.

Grant Proposal Procedures for Monitoring and Managing Grant-Funded Accounts

As stated in the Rollins College Faculty Handbook (Refer to Section II, All-Faculty Policies and Procedures), this includes Procedures for Submitting Grant Proposals, Management Procedures for a Grant Funded Account, and Grant Reporting Procedures.

Financial Conflict of Interest Policy for Sponsored Research Projects

The Federal government requires that the College establish and administer a financial conflict of interest and disclosure policy for investigators who conduct research funded by Federal grants. This standard is designed to ensure appropriate management of actual or potential conflicts of interest. To promote objectivity in research and to foster compliance with Federal regulations, Rollins requires investigators seeking research funding and those who have obtained research funding from PHS, NSF, or other Federal agencies to comply with the institutional policy on the disclosure of significant financial interests and the management and reporting of financial conflicts of interest.

Please note: faculty or staff applying for funding from the NSF or NIH must complete and submit a Significant Financial Interest Disclosure form to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research prior to proposal submittal.

General Budget Template

Use this basic Excel spreadsheet to develop your project budget request. It includes all standard line item categories for a project period of up to three years.

General Budget Justification Template

The budget justification template includes prompts for filling in a narrative description of all expenses included in your project budget. Detailed information on how these costs were calculated should be included.


Purchasing Procedures and Guidelines

For purchases using external grant funds, there are often unique requirements provided by the funding agency in addition to those established by the Rollins College Finance Department/Purchasing Policies and Procedures ( Project Directors and Principal Investigators should refer to this set of procedures and guidelines when making purchases with grant funds managed by the Office of Grants & Sponsored Research.

Research and Scholarly Misconduct

Rollins College expects adherence to the highest ethical and moral standards in the conduct of research and scholarly activity. The College is responsible for promoting academic practices that prevent misconduct and developing policies and procedures for dealing with allegations of misconduct. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators share responsibility for developing and maintaining standards to ensure ethical conduct of research and detection and appropriate handling of abuse of these standards.
Access Faculty Handbook (Refer to Section II - All-Faculty Policies and Procedures)