Student and professor work on research together.

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost administers the College's educational program, makes faculty appointments, coordinates academic activities, oversees institutional and faculty research, facilitates budgetary and institutional planning, assures institutional effectiveness and assessment for improvement, and maintains academics standards.

Welcome to Rollins!

Rollins College is deeply committed to the most important purpose in liberal education: educating for responsible leadership and global citizenship. Rollins is recognized locally, nationally and internationally for its distinctive mission.

How committed are we to global citizenship? Maybe Rollins became the top masters-level producer of Fulbrights because not only are we committed to sending our students abroad to places as diverse as Costa Rica, Australia, or China, we send all our faculty abroad too—even to Antarctica! No other college in America has the same commitment.

We're just as deeply committed to developing responsible leaders, whether through our award-winning programs in community engagement, our nationally recognized center for entrepreneurial leaders in the Crummer Graduate School of Business, a Holt faculty member in our counseling program who has received extensive accolades for her work with women in Thailand, or a new graduate program in Civic Urbanism.

We're leaders in everything we do. Don't just take our word for it. Ask US News and World Report, The Financial Times, Campus Compact, Business Week, The Chronicle of Higher Education, the American Association of Colleges and Universities, Entrepreneur, The President's Honor Roll, Fulbright, Carnegie—all of whom have recognized this place for its outstanding purpose. Become a part of the best place under the sun for a liberal arts education. 

Meet the Team

The Provost is the College's chief academic officer and a vice president, responsible for administering the educational program, for making faculty appointments, for coordinating all academic activities, for overseeing institutional and faculty research, for facilitating budgetary and institutional planning, and for maintaining the academic standards.

  • Donald Davison portrait

    Donald Davison

    Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

  • Amy Armenia portrait

    Amy Armenia, PhD

    Director of Institutional Analytics and Planning

  • Giselda Beaudin portrait

    Giselda Beaudin

    Director, Global Initiatives, Office of International Programs

  • Nancy Chick portrait

    Nancy Chick

    Director of the Endeavor Center for Teaching and Learning

  • Ena Heller portrait

    Ena Heller

    Director, Rollins Museum of Art

  • Stephanie Henning portrait

    Stephanie Henning

    Registrar, Office of the Registrar

  • Toni Strollo Holbrook portrait

    Toni Strollo Holbrook, EdD

    Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and SACSCOC Liaison

  • Ashley Kistler portrait

    Ashley Kistler, PhD

    Dean of the College of Liberal Arts

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    Derek Malone

    Dean of Olin Library

  • Devon Massot portrait

    Devon Massot

    Director, Office of Grants & Sponsored Research

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    Michelle Perez

    Executive Director of Retention and Student Success

  • Paul Reich portrait

    Paul Reich, PhD

    Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts

    Professor of English

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    Lauren Smith

    Dean of the Hamilton Holt School