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Office of Institutional Analytics

Data Governance

What is Data Governance?

​​​​​​​Processes that ensure the effective and efficient use of information and technology in enabling an organization to achieve its goals. Governance is informed by the College strategy, unit strategies and goals, and business drivers.

Data Governance Roles at Rollins

Data Trustees 

High‐level academic or business members of the institution that have authority over policies, procedures, standards, and practices regarding business definitions of information and the access and usage of that information.

Data Governance Committee

Accountable for the development and monitoring of information policy and recommends courses of action related to information management to Executive Leadership. The Committee is also responsible for supervising the activities of any subcommittees or working groups to ensure that information procedures, standards, and practices are in accordance with the Data Governance Framework. The Committee is the highest level of governance.​

Data Stewards

Help interpret, define, implement, and enforce information management policies, procedures, standards, and practices within their subject area and business domains.

Data Curators

Members of the subject area and business domains that are responsible for the quality of information in systems of record.​

Information Security Liaisons (ISL)

Are the primary point of contact for units for all matters relating to information security. The ISL is appointed by the dean, director, or department head. An ISL coordinates with the Chief Information Security Officer or equivalent to implement the institution’s information security and information governance policies, procedures, standards, and practices within the unit.​

Data Custodians

Members, usually of the information technology community, operate and administer information systems, including systems of record and information repositories.

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

A position within the institution responsible for creating value from institutional information assets.​

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

A position within the institution responsible for protecting information assets.​


Data Governance Organizational Chart

DG Org Chart