Faculty/Student Research Opportunities

Different research opportunities, independent studies, and internships are available at the Child Development Center. We welcome faculty and students from any department to participate and conduct research with young children and their families. Faculty sponsors are required, as well as approval from the Executive Director of the Child Development Center.

Ongoing Research Project
Philosophy with Young Children
This ongoing project with the 4-year-old children and Director Diane Doyle was developed with Dr. Erik Kenyon's philosophy students from 2015-2020. The curriculum was compiled into an Early Childhood curriculum book coauthored by Dr. Kenyon, Diane Doyle and Dr. Carnahan. Ethics for the Very Young was published in 2019.
Ethics for the Very Young Ethics for the Very YoungPsychology
Dr. Alice Davidson's Developmental Psychology Students learn observation skills while studying child development.
Dr. Jie Yu's students will create lesson plans for teachers to implement studying Diversity in Early Education.
Dr. Whitney Coyle's RCC students will demonstrate to the children how electrical current works by creating mechanisms for conductivity using regular items.