Orientation Checklist
Set Up Your Rollins Accounts
It is important that you set up your Rollins email account and access MyRollins as soon as you receive your credentials. Please call the IT Help Desk at 407-628-6363 with any technology problem or question.
MyRollins is our portal system and is the place to find your course schedule, final grades, special forms that need to be completed, financial information and more.
Each of your courses has an online Canvas course associated with it. You will be automatically enrolled into your Canvas courses and you can access these courses using that same username and password. Canvas courses may not appear until closer to the start of term.
Helpful IT Information
As a new student, we will be creating a series of accounts for you. Most of the time, your username will be your first initial followed by your last name (e.g. John Doe = jdoe). There are times when others on the campus already have that username, so we would need to add middle initial or some other differentiator. You will know when you receive your email account. Your default Rollins Passphrase is a capital “R”, your R#, followed by the 8 characters of your birthdate (e.g. Rxxxxxxxx01011989). You will be required to change this password when you first log in.
You will receive an account soon after you register for classes. Upon graduation, you will keep your email account for life. Once you have your email account, you can easily configure your mobile phone to receive your email and sync with your calendar.
Public computers (both PCs and Macs) are available across campus in a number of labs, classrooms, and the library. Laptops can also be checked out through the Library Circulation Desk for 24 hours on a first-come, first-served basis.
Rollins supports both PC and Mac platforms, so you will be able to bring to campus whatever devices you use. Connecting to the campus network requires that you have updated antivirus software on your computer and that you allow for automatic updates. We have a license for the entire campus, so there is no reason for you not to be in compliance. You may also log onto the network with mobile phones, iPads, iTouches, and gaming devices. Contact the Help Desk if you need any assistance with these devices.
Course Registration
Registration for the Spring 2025 term will open on Wednesday, October 30. Registration for the Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 terms will open in late March. Your registration time can be viewed in MyRollins. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. Classes fill quickly. Before registering, please set up an academic advising appointment to review course selection with your advisor.
Parking Decal
Students are charged a $100 annual fee for parking when registering for fall classes. Students beginning in the spring or summer terms are charged a reduced fee. The parking fee includes access to the SunTrust Parking Garage, Rollins Garage, and student lots on campus. To register a vehicle online, please log onto MyRollins and search "Vehicle Decal Application". Fill the form out and upload your documents. If you encounter any issues, please contact Campus Safety at 407-646-2999.
Fall permits are typically ready for pickup in August. Wait at least 24 hours after registering your vehicle in MyRollins to pick up your parking permit from the Campus Safety Office. They are open 24/7.
If you don’t plan to park your car on campus at all this year, or if you have an employee permit, you can request a refund of your parking decal fee in MyRollins by searching "Vehicle Decal Waiver”.

The R-Card is your official college ID and can be used to make purchases, enter buildings and classrooms, access your print job from any networked printer, and much more. An R-Card can be picked up in-person by visiting the Campus Safety Office. They are open 24/7, so stop by anytime after you have registered for your courses.
Learn More Learn MoreTextbooks
Books are available from the Rollins College Bookstore. Shop online or visit their physical store on campus, located near the corner of New York Avenue & Fairbanks Avenue.
Students with excess financial aid may transfer up to a maximum of $1,000 per term prior to their financial aid refund to the Tar Buc$ account to purchase books in the campus bookstore: learn more.
Bookstore BookstoreFinancial Aid & Payment
Rollins offers financial assistance to students in the form of scholarships, Federal Pell Grants, Direct Loans, the Florida Resident Access Grant, the Florida Student Assistance Grant, and other loans and grants: learn more.
For more information about payment options, withdrawal schedules, and refunds, please visit Student Account Services.
Title IX Training
Prior to beginning classes on campus, you are required to complete an online Title IX training series.
- Using your web browser, go to your Okta sign-in page.
- Click on the Vector Solutions/SafeColleges Student Training tile to log in.
- You will be taken to your "My Assignments" page and can click on the courses listed to complete your required training.
Don't see the modules? Fall students may not have their training modules posted immediately. If you do not see the modules by May or within a month after being admitted (whichever is later), please alert your academic advisor.