
collage of students working in various communities

Solving the World’s Biggest Problems

For Rollins students, alumni, and faculty, the most pressing issues of our time are not insurmountable. They’re opportunities to bring meaning to the term “global citizenship.”

Colin Kelly ’19 ’21MBA in front of a chalkboard displaying his business plan for his startup venture.

My Rollins Gateway: Sustainable Success

With degrees in marine biology and business, Colin Kelly ’19 ’21MBA is charting a course toward a tenable future in renewable energy.

Colin Kelly, Renee Sang, Neny Lairet, Wyatt Deihl, and Cristina Toppin

Rollins Ready

Equipped with 21st-century skills, real-world experience, and lifelong relationships, Rollins grads step into their futures ready to make the mark only they can.

Rollins Faculty Receive Inclusivity in STEM Learning Grant

The grant will go toward funding a variety of interdisciplinary programs focused on better serving marginalized students who wish to pursue STEM degrees, both at Rollins and beyond.

Damian Clarke ’19 playing a soccer game as a midfielder.

Fielding Success

At Rollins, Damian Clarke ’19 forged bonds and developed skills that supported his ambitions both on and off the field.

Proving Grounds

Whether it’s in the lab, on the soccer field, backstage at the theater, or atop a launch pad, internships at Rollins are hands on and up close.

A marine biology student and professor conduct research on starfishes.

Better Together

For eight weeks this past summer, students and faculty worked side by side to tackle some of their fields’ most pressing issues through Rollins’ Student-Faculty Collaborative Scholarship Program.